Nursery Care during Second Service for babies through age 3. Clara Haught has been caring for our littlest churchgoers for over 45 years and she shows as much compassion today as she did when she began. Your children are in safe hands, and you can relax with our "peace of mind" pagers, so Clara can reach you if your child needs something!

Resurrection Easter Egg Hunt gives the Church an opportunity to share the story of Jesus' resurrection. The party sends the children on a hunt that leads to the true treasure of Easter, Jesus.

Rooted Women Ministry
Mission statement: To teach women to simply live for God, to be firmly planted, deeply rooted & united as one in Him. (our purpose)
Vision: Express the love & care of the Lord by supporting women. (our goal)
We meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 6:00-8:00. We share a meal and then break out into small groups to study different topics and pray together.
We have additional events and trips throughout the year where we come together to enjoy fellowship, laughter and fun.

Christian Women's Connection supports missionaries and their work in and outside the US. Each year we sponsor a child in another country. We have a yearly campaign to monetarily support a cause such as clean drinking water, renovations of a homeless shelter, etc.
We go beyond the walls of the church and minister to those that may not have the privilege of knowing Jesus Christ.

Haven Youth Ministry is for our older kids in 6th through 12th grades. Teenagers are navigating an entirely different part of life, and they need more practical guidance and concrete Biblical facts to give them a firm foundation of faith. Our youth ministries will teach, challenge and grow our young people in the Word of God so they have the best start into adulthood!.
Haven Youth Sunday School is taught by Mark Darmafall.
Wednesday evening is 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Future of Moundsville Youth Center, right next door to the church!

Kidz City is for our kids aged 4 through 5th grade. We have designed a bright, colorful "City" just for your children where they will learn Biblical truths and how to apply them to their lives. Pat Creer is our Kidz City Team Leader and she has a wonderful team of teachers and helpers who are excited to share Jesus with your kids!
Kidz City Sunday School is taught by Ramona Darmafall.
Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 p.m. takes place while Pastor teaches the Adult Bible Class. Helen Horvath teaches Bible stories in fun, interactive ways that get each child involved!

Retired Ladies meet each month for brunch. We usually meet at Perkins in Moundsville WV but from time to time we may venture out to a different location. We have prayer, fellowship, laughter, good food and fun. But most of all, we make some great memories. Consider joining us at 11:30 a.m. the 2nd Monday of each month.

Vacation Bible School comes around once a year every summer for a week of transformational, hands-on learning about God! From high-energy song, fun crafts, engaging Bible Lessons, and so much more, kids are sure to never forget their time at VBS!

Future of Moundsville Youth Center- The youth center has 32 cameras inside and out for safety with an additional security door inside. Safety is priority to all of us who serve. We have had over 300 kids join our facility. Inside you can find Xbox, PS4, Pool table, computer lab, and a hang out area just to name a few things. We offer cooking classes, life skill classes, Bible Studies, and we have game nights. FMYC is made up of volunteers who dedicate their time to serving the youth. We also have a full operating kitchen, stocked with food and drinks. The facility and everything available inside are free to youth.

Haven Maternity Home is located at 1306 2nd St., adjacent to the back parking lot. The home is for pregnant moms ages 18 and up and their children up to age 4. If you want to learn more about this special ministry and how you can be used to bless the residents, please send an email to: thehavenmaternityhome@gmail.com

Dinner for Six is an opportunity to learn more about each other while sharing a dinner. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; pizza or hot dogs would be just fine to serve. This ministry is 6 people getting together once a month for 3 months at a different location to get more acquainted and learn more about each other than the brief time we see each other at church. We are a family at Ash Avenue Church of God, and this gives us an opportunity to bond and grow in our fellowship with each other.

Praise, Worship and Choir - We have incredible talent within our congregation of people who allow their gifts and talents to be used by God for His glory. Our praise team is consisted of musicians and vocalists who volunteer their time to learn, rehearse, and lead the congregation in worship each week.
Our Sanctuary Choir presents musical specials and Cantatas during Easter and Christmas. With our Cantata presentations, we add drama to bring the message to life!

Ordinances - We observe several ordinances throughout the year.
Communion is observed the first Sunday of the month. Volunteers prepare the communion elements of grape juice and bread wafers.
Baptism is observed when we have people who desire to take the next step in their faith by proclaiming Jesus as their Lord with immersion. Volunteers prepare the baptistry, clean up and launder towels afterwards.
Foot washing is observed on Maundy Thursday before Easter, in accordance with Jesus' example when He washed His disciples' feet at the Last Supper. Buckets and bowls, along with clean towels are prepared among circle of chairs. Volunteers clean up and launder towels afterwards.

Traveling Sisters is part of the Rooted Women Ministries. We usually take a trip in the Spring and in the Fall of each year. We've gone to Sight & Sound in Lancaster PA (twice), we've seen Priscilla Shirer in conference three times. A few times we've ventured to the Amish Country in Sugar Creek OH and attended Toby Mac concert in Pittsburgh PA. If you love to see new things, travel, laugh, eat and fellowship with your sisters-in-Christ, this is the ministry group for you.

Bike Blessing - Early Spring marks the beginning of the riding season. We cherish the opportunity to have the riders pray together as they and their bikes are blessed.

Freedom Festival provides the children and parents (from VBS) as well as people in our community to have a fun and free festival.

First Responders Lunch provides a meal for first responders in our community to show that we value and appreciate them.

Trunk or Treat gives the Church an opportunity to reach out to our community by providing a safe environment for trick-or-treaters. Each trunk tells a different bible story.

Moundsville Christmas Parade gives the Church an opportunity to advertise and reach out to our community.

Jonathan's Closet is an outreach which honors the life of Jonathan McConnell. New or slightly used clothing and blankets are distributed to the homeless and those in need.

Live Nativity gives the Church an opportunity to reach out to our community and share the Christmas story of Jesus' birth in a unique way.